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Symply is committed to the reduction of modern slavery, we recognises that we have a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking. We have an absolute committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities, and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. 

At Symply we regularly review information of high-risk countries and vulnerable populations, along with a review of high-risk activities.  Carried out using reports from and  

Symlpy operates the following policies that describe its approach to the identification of modern slavery risks and steps to be taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its operations. 

The biggest contributor to carbon equivalent emissions worldwide is making stuff, and part of that is making stuff such as systems used for data storag. We acknowledge that our products have a carbon impact and we want to do something about it. The SymplyFIRST family incorporates LTO technology, which is a Green technology. It solves many of the problems caused by maintaining archives and backups on power-hungry spinning disks. With energy consumption of stored data growing almost exponentially every year, many of our customers are looking at ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save money at the same time. Moving data from disk storage to LTO can do just that, as an HDD system can use up to 70 times more energy than tape.

Symply is committed to the reduction in packaging waste, to this end we use as much recycled materials as possible in our packing solutions. We source renewable energy for our facilities, where it is available. We have a long road ahead, but Sympy is committed to reaching  Net Zero Emission by 2050, and are challenging our supply chain partners on their plans to do the same.


(818) 650-1065
+44 1223 228040
+49 (89) 26207042
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